Republican party (united states)




The get together is named after republicanism , the dominant value in the course of the american revolution founded by anti-slavery activists, modernists, ex- whigs , and ex- free soilers in 1854, the republicans dominated politics nationally and in the majority of northern states for a lot of the interval between 1860 and 1932. To broaden his help, he selected as his vice presidential candidate andrew johnson , a professional-union democratic senator from tennessee, and the lincoln-johnson ticket subsequently won a landslide victory over democrat george b. Mcclellan and his working mate george pendleton following lincoln’s assassination on the end of the warfare, johnson favoured lincoln’s moderate program for the reconstruction of the south over the extra punitive plan backed by the radical republican members of congress.

Stymied for a time by johnson’s vetoes, the radical republician party won overwhelming control of congress in the 1866 elections and engineered johnson’s impeachment in the house of representatives though the senate fell one vote short of convicting and eradicating johnson, the radical republicans managed to implement their reconstruction program, which made the get together anathema across the former confederacy.

In 2000 texas governor george w. Bush , son of the former president, recaptured the presidency for the republicans, receiving 500,000 fewer well-liked votes than democrat al gore however narrowly profitable a majority of the electoral vote (271-266) after the supreme court of the united states ordered a halt to the manual recounting of disputed ballots in florida.

In 2016, florida had 29 electoral votes, which was 5.Four p.C of the 538 electoral votes up for grabs and 10.7 percent of the 270 electoral votes needed to win the overall election. Between 1900 and 2016, florida forged votes for the winning presidential candidate seventy six.67 p.C of the time. Donald trump received the florida republican primary election with forty six percent of the vote.

In that very same time frame, florida supported democratic candidates for president more often than republican candidates, 56.67 to 43.33 %. Florida was considered one of only two states (the other being north carolina) where all three republicans polled worse than hillary clinton. Democratic and republicans electors in florida had been selected by state social gathering central committees. Florida was certainly one of 31 states in 2016—together with the district of columbia—with a legislation searching for to bind the votes of presidential electors. Hillary clinton received the florida democratic primary election, beating bernie sanders by greater than 30 %.